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Kamili 2

Kamili 2
Kamili 2


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UNFPA Tanzania


Kamili 2

Publication date

31 August 2019

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Welcome to the second edition of Kamili!  

It’s been a busy first half of the year! On International Day of Zero Tolerance to FGM the young people of Mara Region came together to call on government to accelerate efforts to end the harmful practice.  In April, a joint action plan and declaration to curb cross-border FGM was agreed at a regional meeting – the first of its kind – with Tanzania, Kenya, Uganda, Ethiopia and Somalia. And social media has been buzzing with FGM awareness-raising information – supported by the United Nations sexual and reproductive health agency (UNFPA), Tanzania, and the Delegation of the European Union to Tanzania (EU)  – shared by some of the most visible social influencers in the country.

In the coming months, we anticipate the launch of the National FGM Strategy as well as the roll-out of the revised National Gender-Based Violence Management Guidelines for the Health Sector that integrate FGM prevention and response services.

Join us in reading more about our activities to realize a Tanzania that is free from FGM by 2030!