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Country Programme

Country Programme

Country Programme

In June 2022, the UNFPA Executive Board approved UNFPA Tanzania’s Country Programme 2022-2027. This is UNFPA’s ninth country programme in Tanzania.

The ninth UNFPA Tanzania Country Programme is well aligned to the national Five-Year Development Plan III for mainland Tanzania, the Zanzibar Development Plan; and the UNFPA Strategic Plan, 2022-2025, using related outcome indicators. The programme priorities are directly derived from three outcomes of the United Nations Sustainable Development Cooperation Framework (UNSDCF): (a) people; (b) prosperity; and (c) an enabling environment.

The programme mobilizes efforts to achieve the transformative results, in both development and humanitarian contexts, by supporting the Government of the United Republic of Tanzania and national partners to accelerate actions to enhance universal access to Sexual and Reproductive Health services.

The country programme outputs include:

OUTPUT 1. Laws, policies and plans, and accountability frameworks are developed, harmonized and strengthened to address reproductive health and rights, including prevention and response to GBV for all people, in particular women, adolescents and youth, persons with dissability and those in humanitarian contexts.

OUTPUT 2. Capacities of systems, institutions and communities strengthened to provide people-centred, high-quality and comprehensive Sexual and Reproductive Health information and services, including supplies and services to address HIV and GBV in humanitarian and development contexts.

OUTPUT 3. Women, girls, young people and vulnerable population groups are empowered through gender-transformative approaches to exercise their reproductive health rights and utilize SRH and GBV prevention and response services in a safe and supportive environment.

OUTPUT 4. Strengthened skills and opportunities for adolescents and youth to ensure bodily autonomy, leadership, voice and participation, and to build human capital.

OUTPUT 5. National data systems are strengthened to account for population dynamics and population groups left behind in development and humanitarian policies and programmes, as they relate to ending unmet needs for family planning, ending preventable maternal death, and ending GBV and harmful practices in the United Republic of Tanzania

Read more in the 9th Country Programme Document: 


Country programme archive

