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Celebrating the Power of Choice for Women and Girls - 2023 Annual Report

Celebrating the Power of Choice for Women and Girls - 2023 Annual Report

Annual Report

This report celebrates our 2023 stories of collaboration and achievements. Development partners that invested with us may trace the value of their support in strengthened systems, improved policy environments, and the changing lives of people reached. Quotes from beneficiaries across the country articulate this impact. Community organizations have leveraged partnership with the Government of Tanzania and UNFPA to amplify their voices and contribute to policy making and programming. A teenager in an outlying rural village can underline a bullet point in a policy that reflects her contribution.

Our 9th Country Programme is a partnership for impact. We work alongside Tanzania in a system of shared accountability and prioritize the most strategic and effective use of technical and financial resources to reach the last mile. This partnership leverages the commitments of government, donors, nongovernmental organizations, implementing partners, civil society organizations and other United Nations agencies –working together for maximum impact. This 2023 report is a testament to the tireless labour and leadership of UNFPA’s staff and partners across Tanzania.

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2022-2023 Key Achievements of the Chaguo Langu, Haki Yangu Programme

Chaguo Langu, Haki Yangu 2022- 2023 Key achievements


The ‘Chaguo Langu Haki Yangu - My Rights My Choices: Protecting the Rights and Choices of Women and Girls, particularly Women and Girls with Disabilities in Tanzania’ Programme (hereinafter the Programme) is a three-and-a-half-year programme (2021-2025) implemented by UNFPA, the United Nations sexual and reproductive health agency, funded by the Government of Finland. 

The programme goal is to ensure that the rights and choices of women and girls, particularly women and girls with disabilities, are protected and enhanced through a multi-sectoral and holistic approach that tackles gender-based violence (GBV) and harmful practices including early, forced and child marriage and female genital mutilation (FGM). The programme is implemented in Mainland and Zanzibar in four regions and six districts within those regions, including Mara (Butiama and Tarime districts), Shinyanga (Kishapu and Kahama districts), Urban/West Unguja (Urban district) and South Pemba (Chake Chake district). In Zanzibar, the programme is implemented together with several implementing partners including the Ministry of Community Development, Gender, Elderly and Children, C-Sema, Help Age International (HAI), and Tanzania Interfaith Partnership (TIP). 

This publication is a reflecting the 2022-2023 Key Achievements of the Chaguo Langu, Haki Yangu Programme

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Life starts in the hands of the midwife

Life starts in the hands of the midwife - Event Highlights


Deaths during pregnancy and childbirth, along with newborn deaths, remain a major public health crisis globally. In Tanzania, despite a decline in maternal deaths, newborn deaths haven’t reduced.

The Thamini Uzazi Salama - Strengthening Midwifery in Tanzania (SMIT) Project, a 7-year initiative, aims to change this. A collaboration between UNFPA, Amref Canada, and the Canadian Association of Midwives, Thamini Uzazi Salama Project will focus on three districts in Shinyanga and three municipal councils in Dar es Salaam. By increasing the number of skilled midwives and working with local partners, the project aims to improve healthcare delivery and provide comprehensive reproductive, maternal, newborn, child, and adolescent health services (RMNCAH).

The May 3rd, 2024 launch event at Mnazi Mmoja Hospital marks a new chapter. Through presentations, media engagement, and stakeholder discussions, the launch aimed to raise awareness, garner support, and mobilize action to achieve Thamini Uzazi Salama Project’s goals: ensuring quality care and support for every mother and newborn.

By bringing together key players and fostering collaboration, the Thamini Uzazi Salama Project has the potential to make a significant impact on maternal and newborn mortality rates in Tanzania. This initiative represents a collective effort to save lives and build a healthier future for mothers and babies.

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Safeguarding Young People (SYP) Phase II Launch Event Highlights

Safeguarding Young People (SYP) Phase II Launch Event Highlights


On April 18, 2024, UNFPA, in collaboration with the Embassy of Switzerland and key partners convened at Sea Cliff Hotel in Dar es Salaam to celebrate the results of the Safeguarding Young People (SYP) Phase I and launch Phase II of the program. The event had three main objectives:

1. To underscore the achievements of the Safeguard Young People Programme Phase I as a youth-focused program aligned to national priorities and under Government ownership and leadership.

2. To showcase the diverse partnerships among Ministries, Departments, Agencies (MDAs), Civil Society Organizations, NGOs, and youth networks in mainland and Zanzibar in advancing the agenda for youth health and well-being, particularly sexual and reproductive health.

3. To highlight the role of youth leadership, empowerment, and engagement in advancing the health and well-being of young people in mainland Tanzania and Zanzibar, including the role of young people with disabilities.

The SYP program in Tanzania seeks to establish a conducive political, legal, and policy environment and develop the capacity for Adolescent Sexual Reproductive Health and Rights and Youth Participation on a national level. Furthermore, it supports the strengthening of effective coordination and partnerships in Tanzania Mainland and Zanzibar.

At the Regional and District levels, the interventions focus on strengthening institutions’ capacity to deliver quality Comprehensive Sexuality Education/Life Skills (CSE) and Social Behavior Change Communication (SBCC) for inschool and out-of-school young people. It also supports the scaling up of integrated youthfriendly service provision in selected regions of Kigoma, Shinyanga, Simiyu, Dodoma, Dar es Salaam, and Zanzibar (Unguja and Pemba).

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Alama Toleo la 3: Kizazi cha Mabadiliko, Sauti za Vijana Kutoka Tanzania.

Alama Toleo la 3: Kizazi cha Mabadiliko, Sauti za Vijana Kutoka Tanzania.


Karibu katika Jarida Toleo namba Tatu la Kiswahili la Mpango wa kuimarisha vijana kufikia malengo yao kiafya na kimaendeleo (SYP).

SYP ni mpango wa kimageuzi uliozinduliwa mwaka 2013 kwa nchi za Kusini mwa Afrika ambazo ni Botswana, Eswatini, Lesotho, Malawi, Namibia, Afrika ya Kusini, Zambia na Zimbabwe. Tanzania ilizindua rasmi mpango huo mnamo Aprili 2022. Kimsingi, mpango wa SYP umejikita katika kuboresha afya na ustawi wa vijana wa rika balehe kati ya wenye umri kati ya miaka 10 - 24.

Nchini Tanzania, mpango wa SYP unalenga mikoa inayopambana na viashiria duni vya kijamii, afya ya uzazi na haki za vijana wa rika balehe ikiwa ni pamoja na mimba za utotoni, VVU, ndoa za utotoni na ukosefu wa usawa wa kijinsia. Lengo kuu la mpango huu ni kusaidia jitihada za kuboresha afya na ustawi wa vijana wa rika balehe na vijana. Mpango wa SYP unamfumo wa uongozi na utawala uliokubaliwa na Serikali ya Uswisi ambayo inashirikiana na Shirika la Umoja wa Mataifa la Idadi ya Watu (UNFPA) katika kufadhili mpango huu.

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Moving Forward Together: Highlights of Key Achievements in the 9th Country Programme July - December 2022

Moving Forward Together: Highlights of Key Achievements in the 9th Country Programme July - December 2022

Annual Report

The 2022 Population and Housing Census, conducted under the leadership of the National Bureau of Statistics, with technical support from UNFPA further revealed that the dynamic youth population of Tanzania is growing. To harness the demographic dividend of this growth, In order to empower youth, immediate investment is needed to meet the demand for expanded opportunities and the provision of health services including sexual and reproductive health.

This report, celebrates our 2022 July-December joint achievements, taking place in the first six months of the 9th Country Programme (2022-2027). Key achievements highlighted in this report includes: the establishment of One-Stop Centres, enhancing capacity of maternal health facilities, strengthening national data systems, forwarding gender equality by upholding positive social norms, and more.


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This document provides a summary of the Evaluation Report of the UNFPA 8th Country Programme (2016 - 2022) for the United Republ

UNFPA Tanzania 8th Country Programme (2016-2022) Evaluation Brief

Technical Reports and Document

This document provides a summary of the Evaluation Report of the UNFPA 8th Country Programme (2016 - 2022) for the United Republic of Tanzania. The overall evaluation grade was: ‘Good’ and the programme was positively evaluated as well aligned to national and international development priorities. A Country Programme Evaluation is conducted once per decade, at the end of every other five-year country programme cycle. The UNFPA Tanzania 8th Country Programme Evaluation was carried out from July 2021 to March 2022.

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Alama 3rd Edition: Generations of Change, Voices of Youth from Tanzania.

Alama 3rd Edition: Generations of Change, Voices of Youth from Tanzania.


The Safeguard Young People (SYP) Programme is a transformative initiative that was launched in 2013 for Southern African nations: namely Botswana, Eswatini, Lesotho, Malawi, Namibia, South Africa, Zambia, and Zimbabwe. Tanzania officially launched the flagship programme in April 2022. At its core, SYP is dedicated to nurturing the health and well-being of adolescents and young individuals aged 10-24 years.

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Realizing the potential of Every young Person

Alama 2nd Edition - Realizing the Potential of Every Young People


Safeguard Young People (SYP) is a regional programme which started in 2013 for countries within Southern Africa, that is, Botswana, Eswatini, Lesotho, Malawi, Namibia, South Africa, Zambia and Zimbabwe. Its goal is to improve the health and wellbeing of adolescents and young people aged 10-24 years. The programme has three phases in which each phase lasts three years. The SYP Programme has a governance and management architecture agreed upon with the Government of Switzerland that is cofunding this programme with the United Nations Population Fund (UNFPA). In 2020/21, SYP has been expanded to include countries in the Eastern Africa Region: Rwanda and the United Republic of Tanzania. In Tanzania the program was officially launched in April, 2022.

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Follow the Data: Rights & Choices for all - Programme Brochure

Follow the Data: Rights & Choices for all - Programme Brochure

Fact Sheet

UNFPA, the United Nations sexual and reproductive health agency, is the leading UN agency for delivering a world where every pregnancy is wanted, every childbirth is safe and every young person’s potential is fulfilled. Within this context, UNFPA collaborates with the Government of the United Republic of Tanzania, development partners and local actors to work toward the Transformative Results; as reflected in the Sustainable Development Goals, these are: zero unmet need for family planning, zero preventable maternal deaths, zero gender-based violence and harmful practices, and zero new HIV infections.

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