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1 March 2024
Persons with disabilities include those who have long-term physical, mental, intellectual or sensory impairments which in intera

A new era of inclusion for individuals with disabilities in Tanzania is underway.

Isaya Mlinyi, a special education teacher, spearheaded a project aimed at identifying persons with specific disabilities in the Morogoro rural... Read more

22 February 2024
The delegation, consisting of five Parliamentarians from the United Kingdom’s House of Commons and House of Lords, visited Tanza

UK Parliamentarians Visit UNFPA and Partner Sites in the United Republic of Tanzania

UNFPA Tanzania had the privilege of hosting a six-day study tour for the UK All-Party Parliamentary Group (APPG) on Population, Development &... Read more

6 February 2024
Female genital mutilation is a human rights violation that limits access to opportunities and resources and prevents girls and

Her Voice, Her Future: Investing in survivor-led movements to end female genital mutilation

At the fragile age of 10, Ghati stood at the crossroads of tradition and freedom—and she chose a path that led her away from the harrowing practice... Read more

6 February 2024
Female genital mutilation is a violation of women’s and girls’ rights, one that endangers their physical and mental health and l

Putting survivors at the forefront of the global movement to end female genital mutilation

Joint Statement by UNFPA Executive Director Dr. Natalia Kanem, UNICEF Executive Director Catherine Russell, OHCHR High Commissioner Volker Türk, UN... Read more

31 January 2024
Over 113,000 individuals, encompassing women, adolescent girls and boys, first-time young mothers, among others, stand to benefi

Japan partnering with UNFPA to support maternal health services in Kigoma

Japan partnering with UNFPA to support maternal health services in Kigoma. The Embassy of Japan in Tanzania and UNFPA, the United Nations sexual... Read more

19 January 2024
Adolescent Health, in particular on Adolescent Sexual and Reproductive Health and Rights, which is a prerequisite for fulfilling

The Sexual Reproductive Health and Rights (SRHR) outcomes of young people is still in alarming state in many settings due to - stigma...

Today, UNFPA, the United Nations Sexual and Reproductive Health agency, in Tanzania called upon participants of scientific conference on Adolescent... Read more

21 December 2023
Women and girls are among the 5,600 survivors of the 3rd December heavy rainfalls that brought floods and mudslides in Hanang, M

Pamoja wakati wa dharura: UNFPA hands over Dignity Kits

Hanang, Tanzania—UNFPA Tanzania, the United Nations sexual and reproductive health agency has donated dignity kits to facilitate proper personal... Read more

21 December 2023
Parents must have knowledge and skills to engage in open conversations with their children about sexual health

Advocates reaffirm focus on adolescent sexual and reproductive health and rights amid new challenges

Advocates of Adolescent Sexual Reproductive Health and Rights (ASRHR) in Tanzania met this week to sharpen their focus on delivering quality services... Read more

20 December 2023
Chaguo Langu Haki Yangu - ‘My Rights My Choices’ is a three-and-a-half-year programme (2021-2025) implemented by UNFPA, the Unit

It Takes a Village: Addressing inter-generational barriers to the elimination of harmful social norms and traditional practices

Social behaviour change requires long-term and consistent investment to reach the message of change to many people with frequent exposure and use of... Read more

1 December 2023
Chaguo Langu Haki Yangu - ‘My Rights My Choices’ is a three-and-a-half-year programme (2021-2025) implemented by UNFPA, the Unit

“I felt like I am not a human being from how my relatives mistreated me,”  

Nchagwa Matiko (not her real name) is a 17-year-old girl studying in secondary school in form three. She was born without disability in a farming... Read more
