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Invitation for Expression of Interest (EOI)

Invitation for Expression of Interest (EOI)


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UNFPA is in the process of identifying NGO partners for collaboration in implementing interventions to: (1) Strengthen the capacity of government and civil society to prevent and respond to gender-based violence (GBV) and harmful practices, including female genital mutilation (FGM) and child, early and forced marriage; (2) Support the government and civil society to design and implement comprehensive programmes to reach marginalized adolescents and implement community-based life skills education programmes that promote human rights and gender equality.

Interested organizations should forward their expression of interest to UNFPA Country Representative, #1131c Msasani Rd, Dar es Salaam, Tanzania, or by email to: tanzania.office@unfpa.org, specifying “Expression of Interest” in the subject line. Deadline for applications is April 19, 2020.

All expressions of interest must be accompanied by the following supporting documents:

  • Full legal name and address of applying organization (physical address, P.O.Box , phone number, email address, website where applicable).
  • Copy of valid legal registration in Tanzania.
  • Documented fulfillment of tax obligations and tax registration number.
  • Copy of audited financial statements for the past three years.
  • Short description of existing operations in the thematic area(s) of: GBV and harmful practices including FGM and child, early and forced marriage; and/or youth participation in decision-making, adolescent and youth-friendly services  and comprehensive sexuality education; together with the duration of the operations (maximum 2 pages).

Organizations that fulfill the criteria listed above will be invited to submit a formal proposal to describe how they would implement UNFPA’s programme interventions if selected to be the implementing partner.   

A more detailed description of the scope of work will be provided to candidates who are preselected by UNFPA to submit formal proposals.

•    Due to the high volume of communications, UNFPA is not in a position to confirm receipt of expressions of interest.
•    The scope of work described in this invitation could be subject to change.
•    Only shortlisted organizations will be contacted.